Texas Hot Tub
Gosh, it ‘s been Hot This Summer!
Read MoreSkunks Make Awful House Guests
Skunk spray is an awful thing to wake up. Skunk odor seeps through the house even though the doors are shut. “Uck! They did it again.” I open the glass door a pinch, cut my eyes to the sleeping…
Read MoreOWL–A Friend Until They’re Not
There were unusual scuttling noises high in the oak tree in the back yard.They were coming from the old abandoned tree house my son, Josh,built with his dad many years before. We couldn’t see what was making those noises…
Read MoreFive Baby Rabbits versus My Garden!
Everything comes to life in spring. My terrier found baby rabbits hiding in our raised garden five little ‘uns, with their heads stuck in the concrete blocks, as if they thought themselves hidden. I shooed the dog away, picked…
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